World Tourist Ranking by Country/Region


Do you know which country/Region has the most tourists? You can find it in our list of tourist ranking by country and territory. Top 10 countries with most tourists are: France, United States, China, Spain, Italy, United Kingdom, Turkey, Germany, Malaysia, Mexico.


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<Previous | 31 - 50 of 50

Country or Territory NameTouristsRank
Argentina5.29 million31
Brazil5.16 million32
Bahrain4.94 million33
Jordan4.56 million34
Dominican Republic4.13 million35
Puerto Rico3.68 million36
Israel3.45 million37
Chile2.77 million38
Cuba2.51 million39
Colombia2.39 million40
Zimbabwe2.24 million41
Mozambique2.22 million42
Lebanon2.17 million43
Algeria1.91 million44
Qatar1.66 million45
Botswana1.55 million46
Oman1.52 million47
Nigeria1.41 million48
Kenya1.39 million49
Namibia0.98 million50

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List of Countries with Flags

Country Common Names and Official Full Names

⇑⇑ World Countries and Territories and Related Information

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